Order for pick up on Thursday 8/22, preorders cut off Wednesday 8/21 at 9pm. When you place an order, you’ll receive a confirmation email as well as a reminder email the morning of pick up. Please take care when selecting your pickup location during check out as your order will be taken to the drop location you choose. By placing your order, you agree to pick up at the selected location within the time frame listed. Thank you!

Benson Hospital (employees only) 9a

Go, Set, Ready in Benson 9a - 3p

Neon Loon in Starbuck 10:30 - 3p

La Ferme Restaurant in Alexandria 11a-2p

Jenniges Meats in Brooten 1-6p

MN Olive Oil Company 3-5p

Full Circle Farm 28278 320th Street Starbuck pick up times are flexible